Paintings of the Algerian artist Rashid Monzer

Algerian plastic artist Rashid Monzer stressed that he prepares for setting up an exhibition in Algeria, which will be different and freer in terms of brushes' touches and the multiple chosen themes.

Monzer revealed, in an exclusive interview for Arabs Today, that the plastic art, which he practices, belongs to the impressionist school, which aims at the artist's impression of what he sees in nature.

The artist, who was born in 1965 in Merouana City, Batna province, eastern Algeria, stressed that man is the cause of the disasters that occur in nature.

I am greatly influenced by the pure nature which born in, the nature that is free from the reinforced concrete, saying he was always trying to  search for light and water in his paintings as the source of life, Monzer added.

Earlier, The Algerian artist has organized many exhibitions, most notably was the National Gallery in Batna province entitled "Daw'a Al-Orars".