Iraqi Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities, Fared Rwandzi

The Iraqi Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities, Fared Rwandzi, inaugurated the annual exhibition of sculpture, held by the Department of Fine Arts, entitled "Colors of Iraqi Sculpture," in the halls of the Department of Arts at the Ministry's headquarters.

The minister said, in the opening of the exhibition sidelines: "The artists excelled in their work as they were in the past, sculpture exhibition presented new works, in addition to the old ones, which are presented on other occasions. "The art works on the exibtion reflect the potential and energies of Iraqi artists who work in this field, I express my happiness for the Fine Arts Department for organizing this event at the ministry's headquarters," the minister added.

"There are works that have been shown that match the world's work in terms of potential, quality and expression, Rwandzi  said, pointing out that the exhibitions should continue to be held not only in Baghdad, but also in other cities such as Erbil and Sulaymaniyah, as well as for external participation through the activities of Luxor, Capital of Arab Culture 2017.

For his part, Hussein Mohi, director of the exhibitions department,
said that the sculpture exhibition comes within the annual plan of the Department of Fine Arts, which is held every year and is characterized by the new works that were created by the artists, with the participation of about 100 artists.