The writer in National Union of Imams and religious frames in Tunisia, Fadel Ashour

The writer in National Union of Imams and religious frames in Tunisia, Fadel Ashour, stressed that the use of a Quran verse as a title of a book or a work of art is not contrary to religion and Islamic law, and does not carry any infringement on the Koran.

Ashour added, in an exclusive interview with Arabs Today, that there are parties set themselves up as protectors of the Koran without understanding of its verses, to serve their personal interests and purposes, stressing that the National Union of Imams do not mind putting a verse as a title for a play, and surprised from changing the name of the show by its director.

Ashour explained that the problems within the imams sector is serious, notably the extremist and politicized speeches that are still given in the mosques to now, which inciting against artists, trade unionists and others
"Number of imams who have different ideologies committed serious mistakes and they interpret the verses incorrectly, like the verses of jihad, which reflected negatively on the country's national security and military," he said.