Chairperson Boutros Danial

Chairperson of Catholic Center for Cinema Boutros Danial revealed that a number of honored artists have not attended the center’s festival, saying that the artists who did not attend the opening or closing ceremony apologized by phone. He added that most of them were preoccupied of filming their drama or cinematic works.

He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, he does not interfere in the choice of any artist or artistic works to be honored during the festival, saying that it is the responsibility of refereeing committee. He added that they currently prepare for Giving Day scheduled to be held on March 17 in which a number of public figures will be honored for the services they provided to the community.

He added that the last round of the center’s festival has been dedicated to the souls of departed artists Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, and Karima Mukhtar in addition to Director Mohamed Khan. During the festival, he added, a number of films were presented, including “A Day for Woman”, “Hepta”, and “The Second Bank”.