Tunisian young actress Shakera Ramah

Tunisian young actress Shakera Ramah expressed her satisfaction of the works she presented since the beginning of her career, saying that she participated in a number of theatrical performances in addition to her works in both cinema and drama.
She expressed her pleasure for the honor she received from Sharm El Sheikh International Festival for Youth Theater held in the Egyptian resort this month, saying that it was a good step to be mentioned in an Egyptian festival. She stressed that such a step could pave the way for further steps in the future.
She praised the festival which reflects realization of the importance of theatre in the culture movement in the Arab countries, saying that the festival managed to achieve notable popularity among the Arab people and attracted tourists from all over the Arab countries during its second round held from April 1 to 9.
He expressed her appreciation to the Tunisian presence during the festival, saying that her country was represented as a guest of honor, while Tunisian singer Lotfy Boshnaq participated in the opening ceremony of the festival. She expressed her aspiration to participate in the Egyptian works during the coming period.
She revealed that she will participate in a new drama work entitled “Al Manara” scheduled to be presented during the second half of Ramadan. She added that she also will participate in a Russian film scheduled to be filmed in Tunisia to discuss the life of Iraq’s former President Saddam Hussein, saying that she will perform the role of Iraqi former Minister of Nuclear Energy Rehab Taha.