Actress Hanan Turk

Egyptian actress Hanan Turk expressed her pleasure for participating in Sharjah Children's Reading Festival held in Sharjah from April 19 to 29, saying that the festival is well organized. She praised the festival’s workshops, saying that they will perform a major role to develop the children’s intellectual and creative skills.

The festival has been opened on Wednesday by Sharjah’s ruler Sultan Bin Mohamed Al Qassemi, as it aims to discover the children’s skills and the ways to use them to serve their countries. The Egyptian actress presented a show through which she managed to attract the attention of the children attending the festival.

She added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, “I am happy for presenting the show entitled “Kingdom of Animals” composed of three major personalities, saying that she performed all roles, including the rabbit, the bear and queen of the bees. She added that they were living together in a stable jungle, while the bear was walking strongly affecting the jungle’s stability

She praised Sharjah’s keenness to support the children for learning and reading the books, saying that the festival is inspiring. She noted that there is diversification between the presenters, publication houses and workshops of children, saying that such events reflect the priority given to education by the rulers of Sharjah.

She stressed the importance of technology, while stressed that the new technologies have not undermined the value of book. She added that the book remains the major source of knowledge despite the notable progress in the world of technology in all over the world. She called the families for supporting their sons for reading and learning.