US House condemns Iran over crackdown on protesters

Two top House Republicans have introduced a resolution supporting the Iranian people and condemning the regime in Tehran after a week of street protests that have resulted in more than 20 deaths across the country.

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy and House Foreign Affairs Committee Ed Royce said Friday the House will vote Tuesday on the measure, which comes as the Trump White House is trying to increase international pressure on Tehran over its handling of the demonstrations.

“The radical regime in Tehran denies basic freedoms and crushes opposition with deadly force while pushing billions of dollars to terrorist activities abroad,” the two California Republicans said in a statement.

The measure, which its authors say is expected to attract bipartisan support, “condemns the regime’s crackdowns on legitimate protest, and makes clear that America stands with Iranians who want peace, freedom and a better life.”

Amid signs the protests that began Dec. 28 in cities across Iran are easing somewhat, the U.N. Security Council at the urging of the United States on Friday took up the issue of the recent unrest, although Russia was objecting to U.S. demands for an open hearing on the crisis.