The United Arab Emirates, UAE, has welcomed the liberation of the Syrian city of Raqqa from the clutches of the terrorist organisation Daesh, which wreaked havoc during the time of its so-called emirate.

In a statement on Sunday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation emphasised the UAE's principled position against extremism and terrorism. The country condemns terrorism in all forms and manifestations and calls for drying up their source of funding.

''The liberation of Raqqa from the hands of the terrorist organisation Daesh is an important and positive development towards confronting the terrorism and brutality adopted by the organisation over the past years against the citizens of Raqqa, which was evident by its brutal and barbaric practices and its sheer moral decadence,'' the statement added.

The ministry expressed its support for the firm and clear progress in the battle to eliminate Daesh, which constitutes a major step in the efforts to finally defeat terrorism.

''The civilised war against extremism and terrorism will continue unabated until this scourge is eliminated,'' the Ministry said, calling for continuing concerted efforts in this important confrontation