The UAE strongly condemned yesterday's terrorist attack in the centre of Al-Arish City in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt.

In a statement, the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation said that the United Arab Emirates expresses its strong condemnation of these criminal acts and its principled rejection of all forms of violence and terrorism.

''The UAE reiterates its full support for the fraternal Arab Republic of Egypt and its steadfastness in confronting these grave crimes,'' the statement said.

It also stressed that such cowardly acts of terrorism will not undermine the determination of the Egyptian people as they continue to fight terrorism which has no homeland, religion or morals. The statement added that this terrorist incident completely contradicts with all human and religious principles and values.

The Ministry expressed profound condolences of the UAE to the families of the martyrs, the government and people of Egypt and wished a speedy recovery for the injured.