Sudan denounces the terrorist attack against Egyptian church.

 Sudan on Friday denounced and condemned a terrorist attack against worshipers in an Egyptian Church of Mar Mina, Helwan, Egypt, which left behind many victims among innocent civilians and terrorized worshipers and people celebrating Xmas.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement it issued on Friday described the attack as a terrorist aggression that violates all moral and human values and principles.

The ministry expressed the sincere condolences and support of the people and government of the Sudan to the families of the victims and the injured, to the government and people of the sister Egypt, expressing hope for quick recovery for those injured and wounded.

The statement said the ministry of foreign Affairs expressed Sudan's full solidarity backing, and support for sister Egypt in all actions it takes to preserve the security and peace of its citizens against all terrorist and criminal attack.

The statement said this terrorist operation that contravenes all lofty religions and divine legislations, customs and international laws, reaffirms anew the need for bringing together regional and international efforts for stand against and counter this dangerous phenomenon.

Source: SUNA