The Emirates Association for Human Rights (EHRA).

The Emirates Association for Human Rights (EHRA) condemned the Qatari fighter jet's interception of two UAE civilian planes while in separate routine flights to Bahrain on a known flight path that met all required and internationally recognised approvals and permits.

In a statement released on Tuesday, the EHRA said the Qatari interception of the UAE civilian planes constitutes a flagrant violation of all international conventions for air transport, approved by the Chicago Civil Aviation Convention of 1944 and its subsequent amendments, as well as the aviation safety regulations of the International Civil Aviation Organisation, ICAO.
"The Qatari interception of Emirati civilian flights posed a threat to the safety of civilian passengers and spread fear among them," it added. The EHRA called on the ICAO to conduct an investigation of this violation and take necessary actions, as endorsed by relevant international conventions.
It also urged the Qatari government to respect the rules and regulations of international laws and the commitment arising from international treaties, and to avoid committing any act that could endanger the lives of innocent civilians.

Source: BNA