The Palestinian Cabinet.

The Palestinian Cabinet confirms commencing the implementation of the Social Security Law upon a time frame set by the Social Security Corporation and expresses deep condolences to Jordan over the victims of the Dead Sea incident.

 During its weekly meeting held in Ramallah on Monday, the Palestinian Cabinet, headed by Prime Minister Dr. Rami Al- Hamdallah,

    Expressed support to the speech of President Mahmoud Abbas during the 30th session of the Palestinian Central Council (PCC), in which he called upon the Palestinian nation to support the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and to adhere to national unity and national constants. President Abbas also encouraged the Palestinian citizens to maintain their steadfastness to avoid repeating what happened in 1948 and 1967. During his Speech, President Abbas declared that there is neither a state in the Gaza Strip nor a state without Gaza, stressing that East Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Palestine and that Palestine and Jerusalem are not open to bargaining. The Cabinet also confirmed the position of the Palestinian leadership that rejects the so-called “Deal of the Century”, and the US measures against the Palestinian citizens.
    Stressed its position to back up the initiative of President Mahmoud Abbas, which he presented before the UN Security Council on February 20, 2018, to hold an international peace conference under the auspices of the United Nations and upon the international law and relevant United Nations resolutions. This initiative aims at putting an end to the Israeli occupation and implementing relevant resolutions of the international legitimacy for a comprehensive, lasting and a peace in the region. As well as adhering to the Arab peace initiative as endorsed at the Arab summit held in Beirut in 2002, and to abide all Arab countries to stop all forms of normalization with Israel, the Occupying Power until the full implementation of the Arab peace initiative. Moreover, to implement the resolution of the Arab summit held in Amman in 1980, which obliges the Arab countries to cut all diplomatic relations with any state that recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel or transfers its embassy to it.
    Hailed the European Parliament votes against reducing European aid to the education sector in Palestine. The Cabinet affirmed that such a move demonstrates the EU endorsement of the Palestinian legitimate right, and proves its refusal to bow to the US and Israeli pressure and false accusations against the Palestinian Government. Upon this, the Cabinet called on all relevant international organizations to act towards an immediate halt to the Israeli violations and to protect the Palestinian education process; including schools and curricula.
    Praised the European Parliament for adopting a resolution calling for additional 22 million euros to the UNRWA, which represents a clear message against the US administration attempts to violate the Palestinian rights and its clear bias towards Israel, the Occupying Power. The Cabinet also hailed the EU commitment to defend the UNRWA and enable it to continue assisting the Palestinian refugees by eliminating the financial crisis caused by US aid cuts.
    Condemned the extrajudicial crimes committed by the Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) in the Gaza Strip, which led to the killing of three 13-year-old children Khaled Bassam Mahmoud Sa’id, Abdul Hamid Abu Zahir, and Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Satri. In this regard, The Cabinet held Israel, the Occupying Power, responsible for this crime and demanded the international community, human rights organizations, and the International Criminal Court (ICC) to take necessary procedures to initiate an immediate investigation to hold Israel accountable for its crimes against the defenseless Palestinian civilians.
    Criticized the brutal assault committed by the Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) against a protest organized by the Coptic Orthodox Church in front of the Holy Sepulcher Church in Jerusalem to protest the Israeli interference in renovation work inside the holy site. The Cabinet confirmed that the attack comes as part of Israel’s systematic attacks against occupied Jerusalem including the Al-Aqsa Mosque and other Islamic and Christian holy places. The Cabinet also stressed that this attack reveals, to the world, the reality of the occupation, which opposes principles of freedom to worship, and embodies the Israeli discriminatory “Nation-State Bill” that neglects the rights of all non-Jewish citizens.
    Commended the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, for announcing that the destruction of Khan Al-Ahmar village amounts to a war crime. The Cabinet called upon the international community to intervene urgently and take immediate action to stop the Israeli aggression, crimes, and attacks against the Palestinian citizens. “This aggression is an inevitable result of the policy of official incitement and illegal Israeli practices and immunity provided by the Trump administration and the inability of the international community to curb Israel’s violations and end its occupation. We call upon the International Criminal Court to initiate a judicial investigation with the Israeli officials who committed these crimes.”
    Deplored the Israeli Knesset approval to the preliminary reading on the draft amendment to the Prison Authority Regulations law, which states that some prisoners are denied visits, stressing that the Israeli government and its far-right coalition, with the support and partnership of the American administration,  violates all human rights laws. “We demand the international community and all international humanitarian, human rights institutions to stop the illegal practices of Israel, the Occupying Power and to take deterrent and punitive measures against its ongoing crimes and violations, and to hold it responsible for its actions that run contrary to all human and principles.
    Reviewed the outcomes of the first session of the joint Palestinian-Turkish committee which was held in Istanbul last Thursday, to sign seven agreements in the fields of agriculture, security, crime control, civil defense, communications, and technology, as well as an agreement to alleviate the Double Taxation. The Cabinet commended the continuous Turkish support to the Palestinian citizens in their aspirations for the establishment of an independent State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital. “We particularly commend the Turkish President and the Turkish Government against the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,”  
    Assured the Ministerial Committee of the Social Security Law started its work upon the supervision of President Abbas to hold discussions with all related stakeholders from civil society, the private sector, and trade unions, which will work to accept all observations for possible amendments. The Cabinet also announced the implementation of the law in accordance with the time frame issued by the Social Security Corporation board of directors starting with the organizations that have more than 200 employees.  The cabinet also decided to postpone imposing fines on those who fail to join within the time frame set by the Social Security Corporation.
    Expressed deepest condolences to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and to the families of the victims at the Dead Sea incident, noting that the State of Palestine shares Jordan in its sorrow as in prosperity.