Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.

President of Pakistan Muslim League (N) Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif condemned the decision of the US administration to recognize the occupied city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
In a statement issued here on Thursday, he said, “The decision of US administration to recognise the occupied city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has come to us as a shock and deep disappointment. It has caused deep anger and anguish in Pakistan as well as in the entire Muslim world.”
“On behalf of Pakistan Muslim League (N) and on my own behalf, I condemn this decision in no uncertain terms,” he added.
Nawaz Sharif said, “This action is a violation of international laws, dozens of resolutions of UN Security Council and UN General Assembly as well as the publicly stated policy of all earlier US Presidents. This is a serious setback to the rule of law and international norms.”
He said, “I share the outrage and anger of the people of Pakistan on the suffering of the people of Palestine ever since their land was militarily occupied and millions were driven from their homes which was condemned by international agencies and UN on numerous occasions.”
“To now, hand over the holy city of Jerusalem known historically for over millenniums as Al Quds Al Sharif is to add salt to the wounds of the people who have been suffering untold miseries for 70 years. At a time when the world is passing through increasing instability that has spawned discrimination; prejudice & intolerance for a great power that is also a permanent member of UN Security Council to have taken an action of this nature is deeply regrettable. It is also a clear negation of solemn assurances made by early administrations and sets the most deplorable example of breach of promises, he added.
He said it was expected of the US that it would not only ensure compliance with the provision of the UN Security Council resolution but to play an active role in promoting peace and stability to a deeply traumatized region of the globe instead; this blatantly illegal and immoral action will deepen hatred and animosity and further complicate whatever little prospect there was for a negotiated settlement for a Palestine Issue.
The PML-N President said, “I strongly support the call of my brother Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey for emergency session of OIC to consider the grave situation emerging from the US decision.
“I will call upon the members of UN Security Council to engage in urgent consultations to decide on steps to reverse the negative impact of this action.”
“This is a time of great Challenge for Islamic Ummah. Our response will not only have an impact on destiny of the people of Palestine, but on the future of United Nations as well. We have to decide whether we want to live in a world governed by law and based on universally recognized principles or we want to revert to the law of oppressors,” he added.

Source: APP