Tarawih prayers

An observatory of takfiri fatwas affiliated with the Egyptian Iftaa House has slammed a decision by the terrorist Daesh group to cancel Tarawih prayers (extra prayers performed by Sunni Muslims at night in the Islamic month of Ramadan) at mosques under its control.

This decision violates the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad of Islam, the observatory said Wednesday.

Daesh claims that the Tarawih prayers are a form of heresy, insisting the Prophet had not performed such prayers.

This is the second year in a row that the terrorist group has cancelled Tarawih prayers at mosques under its control.

According to the observatory the cancellation of the prayers cannot be seen in the context of expressing an opinion, stressing this is a clear violation of the scientific and Sharia teachings adopted by Al Azhar.

Tarawih prayers had been performed ever since the time of Prophet Muhammad, who was very keen on performing those night prayers.

Source ; MENA