Arab League chief mourns Arab-American diplomat Clovis Maksoud

Secretary General of the Arab League Nabil el Araby mourned Monday Arab-American scholar Clovis Maksoud who passed away on Sunday at the age of 90 after suffering a severe cerebral hemorrhage.

In a statement, el Araby said the death of Maksoud is a great loss for the Arab world, adding that the veteran politician spent his entire life advocating the Palestinian Cause.

Being the Chief Representative of the League of Arab States in India from 1961 to 1966 before becoming the League's Special Envoy to the United States in 1974, the former Lebanese diplomat has many contributions to Arab issues, AL chief added.

Meanwhile, el Araby extended condolences to the former thinker's family and his fans in Lebanon and Arab world. 

Maksoud was born in Oklahoma in 1926 to Lebanese parents who immigrated to the United States, but grew up in Lebanon.

He studied political science at the American University of Beirut and graduated in 1948, before moving back to the US to study law at George Washington University where he received his law degree.

Source: MENA