Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg London - Arabstoday Consummate nerd and Harvard drop-out he may be, Mark Zuckerberg also happens to be one of the most powerful men in the world. But for all of his billions of dollars, technological genius and philanthropoligical leanings, the co-founder of Facebook remains a very, very bad dresser. So bad, in fact, that GQ magazine has just voted 27-year-old Zuckerberg the \'worst dressed man in Silicon Valley.\' Califiornia\'s technological enclave is, of course, no Milan runway, but to top the list at so young an age and ahead of so many other fashion culprits, is impressive to say the least. GQ says: \'Nerds run the world. But with their notoriously horrid fashion choices, some dotcom entrepreneurs could use a style IQ boost. While their tech innovations deserve kudos, their outfits are one giant leap back for mankind.\' But Zuckerberg takes the crown, his poorly-fitting jeans, penchant for flip-flops, old-fashioned ties and badly-cut blazers, as immortalised in the Oscar-winning movie, The Social Network, all contributing to the position. GQ says of the young man\'s dubious style: \'Oblivious to the fact that jeans and ties come in skinny sizes — or that suits exist — the father of Facebook (and we do mean father) loves to recycle the fresh-from-Stats-class look.\' Sean Fennessey, editor of, told MailOnline: \'It\'s not necessarily the casual nature of his look - wealth doesn\'t insist on suits and opulence. Look where that got the Winklevoss twins. It\'s the fit and the form that put him at the top of our list. His advice for the Zuck? \'Tailor. Tailor. Tailor. The man has an estimated worth close $18 billion.  He could buy Savile Row if he wanted.\' Their \'15 worst offenders\' also include Howard Stringer, Chairman of Sony Corp - who is mocked for looking like he is a amateur angler - and Microsoft\'s Bill Gates, whom GQ believes resembles an aged Harry Potter, channelling \'lazy preppy.\' Steve Jobs also makes it onto the rollcall, his offence being the \'self-inflicted uniform\' of \'black turtleneck, dad jeans and Seinfeld kicks.\' Granted, Zuckerberg is a very busy man. But there is a distinct lack of chicness - not so much a hint of elevatory irony - about Zuckerberg\'s wardrobe choices that land him squarely in geekdom. Only time will tell, but could grandpa-style flip-flops, dressing gowns and white socks become the new word in urban cool? Mr Fennessey is hopeful we\'ll all be spared: \'Safe to say, the Zuck isn\'t birthing any style trends. We\'re thankful for that.\' source