Under fire for sexualising teens

Under fire for sexualising teens London - Arabstoday Victoria’s Secret has come under fire over its new campaign allegedly marketed at teenage girls. The Bright Young Things collection was launched under its younger Pink label\'s Spring Break line (a term used to describe the US Easter holidays), and has attracted so much controversy that an online petition has launched on Facebook asking the US lingerie brand to withdraw the range from stores. The collection features underwear reading slogans such as \"Wild\", \"Feeling Lucky\" and \"Call Me\". Victoria\'s Secret chief financial officer Stuart Burgdoerfer had previously suggested that the Pink line was targeted at a teenage market: \"When somebody\'s 15 or 16 years old, what do they want to be? They want to be older, and they want to be cool like the girl in college, and that\'s part of the magic of what we do at Pink,\" he said. However, today the brand issued a statement, maintaining that Pink is in fact aimed at an older demographic. \"In response to questions we recently received, Victoria\'s Secret Pink is a brand for college-aged women,\" a Victoria\'s Secret spokesperson said today. \"Despite recent rumours, we have no plans to introduce a collection for younger women. Bright Young Things was a slogan used in conjunction with the college spring break tradition.\"