Fashion designer Amine Mrani

Fashion designer Amine Mrani Marrakesh – Iman Abdel Nabi On April 4th 1978, a young talented designer was born. Amine Mrani is special because of his ability to express what is inside him with creative pieces that unite the originality of the traditional Moroccan past and modernity of the present. The designer has made quite a name for himself in the in the ‘Kaftans’ world as he deals with designing one as if it were a painting he has to carefully draw, with a touch of tradition to suit classical Moroccan women.  The talented 33-year-old was born in Casablanca to a family of tailors (his mother, uncle, aunt and grandparents) where he grew up surrounded by materials by fabrics and threads embedding the love of tailoring and design within him, as he practiced his talents from a young age in his family’s workshop. Although he loved fashion design, Amine studied International Trade at university, but soon missed fashion design and found himself back to his natural habitat; the workshop. He then attended a Canadian fashion school where he studied the Arts \"Haute Couture\" which widened his scope to be creative and broaden his skills. Amine has held fashion shows featuring Moroccan kaftans in many countries such as Egypt, France, Belgium, Germany and Russia. His first ever fashion show was in Cairo; “it was a dream come true for everyone to see my designs and while on the plane on the way to Cairo I asked myself ‘is this really happening or is it a dream?’,” he said. Moreover, his Casablanca boutique is very popular by Moroccans, Arabs and foreigners, which has enable him to expand and open boutiques in Rabat and Meknes, and to inaugurate the opening of a boutique in Brussels. Amine said that: “ever since my childhood I have always been tempted by the fashion world; as from the beginning my aim was not just to design for the sake of designing, but it was to create new ideas for collections and ways of design which satisfies women completely.” He added: “I love my job ad I could spend hours on end working without noticing the time. I have set a name for myself in the fashion world from the first fashion shows I ever held and I’m very proud of that because I find that some designers and aspiring designers have taken my own designs as an inspiration; which is a strong indicator that my designs are greatly loved.” Amine knows the art of choosing the best raw materials and precious fabrics that he uses in his designs; such as satin, silk, leather and gold threads, in addition to using a selection of precious stones and Swarovski crystals, and making it all that much more special for an elegant Moroccan woman by ensuring his work is all handmade. He’s a real artist with a passion for colors and accessories, which he knows very well how to complement with his fabulous designs. Each of Amine’s kaftans is a true beauty, with a unique story behind each individual design that combines today’s modernity with Morocco’s old traditional style.