Jordanian Rima Abu Assi

Jordanian Rima Abu Assi is launching her project “Flower Power”, where she makes collars from different flowers of different shapes and colors to confirm that flowers spread positive energy.

She said in a statement to “Arab Today” that she started making flower collars so that women can wear them to give them extra beauty and confidence, and she also makes flower bouquets for brides and decorates weddings’ cars. She used to wear these collars at first, but when people started to admire them, she decided to turn her talent into business, and began to promote her products on social media, bazaars and different galleries, adding that, making a beautiful flower collar takes at least 4 hours.

Flower collars usually used during seasonal festivals and they are famous in India, where they are used in celebration, weddings and funerals. They were first used in ancient Greece, where nobles used to wear them on their heads.

Rima is working on developing her products to turn them into hats decorated with different kinds of flowers that can be worn during summer or while swimming.