Jordanian Careeman Tahboub

Jordanian Careeman Tahboub was motivated by her illness to start recycling embroidered folkloric costumes into beautiful vintage pieces such as, clothes, accessories, and bags.
She told “Arab Today” that, she was diagnosed with breast cancer years ago and the medications made her gain weight, so she had to give up all of her clothes, but the folkloric ones. She didn’t know how to use them until she had to make a dress for her daughter, so she cut some of the embroidery on one dress and added it to her daughter’s dress, and this is what gave her the idea to start her project.

During Traditional Crafts Week organized by the Traditional Crafts Association, which was held in Amman she said that, she blends old materials with modern ones by recycling the vintage clothes into news pieces of clothes and accessories. She taught three other women with breast cancer the recycling process and ended up working together, confirming that that disease only gave her motive and boost to create and improve her craft.


She started marketing her products in bazaars, craft markets, galleries and friends, until she became famous for her unique accessories. She was mostly known for her embroidered necklace that can be worn with modern clothes and give them a vintage touch.

She is very happy with this craft and feels proud of each of her pieces. She also aspires to expand her business in order to show all sick people the way to be motivated again.