Janet kept her body under wraps

Janet kept her body under wraps New York- Arabstoday Janet Jackson covers up while catching a departing flight at LAX Airport on in Los Angeles. The 45-year-old entertainer in a black dress and black headgear.The “All For You” singer rushed through the entrance with her head covered in a black hood and black scarf trying to stay incognito.  Janet, who is currently on a world tour called Janet Jackson Number Ones, Up Close and Personal, is normally seen in much more revealing clothing. However, it seems that the singer is trying to hide from the paparazzi and from all the questions related Dr. Conrad Murray, convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson, filed a notice that he intends to appeal. Attorney Brian Panish read a statement on behalf of the Jackson family in court right before Dr. Conrad Murray was given the maximum sentence - four years - in the death of Michael Jackson. “We are not here to seek revenge. There is nothing you can do today that will bring Michael back,” the statement read. “We respectfully request that you [the judge] impose a sentence that reminds physicians that they cannot sell their services to the highest bidder and cast aside their Hippocratic oath to do no harm. As we all know from this tragedy, doing so can have devastating results,” it added.