Jordanian Dalia Al Rumahi

Jordanian Dalia Al Rumahi makes accessories from copper wires with some beads and other materials. She, her sister and niece adopted this concept three years ago as a hobby, but now she turned it to a profession.

She told “Arab Today” that, she uses copper wires with different shapes and she adds some beads. The piece takes at least 4 hours to be finished, adding that, there are no specialized molds for copper accessories and every piece is handmade.

She is inspired by works on social media, fashion sites or the customers' requests, who choose pieces that go with their own taste. These accessories aren’t traded much in the markets.

She sometimes uses stones to decorate these accessories, and she wishes there will be sponsors and factories for this new industry in Jordan. Women who wear these accessories are between 12 and 40 years old and they purchase them on social media.

Al Rumahi confirmed that, these cooper pieces became fashionable, as each piece she makes is different from the other.