The Algerian accessories designer, Salma Chiboub

The Algerian accessories designer, Salma Chiboub seeks to develop jewelries that are made of the Algerian precious stones, where Algeria is known with its stones that required by many states, as "Coral", which is one of the most prominent gems that abound in Algeria.

Chiboub stressed, in interview with Arabs Today, that she entered the world of accessories designing since two years, and traveled to many European and Arab countries, to develop her talent in designing and to learn the latest fashion styles.

Chiboub invented a unique way in her designs, carving the names of Allah and verses of poetry for Arab poets in her designs, in an attempt to revive the Arabic heritage, adding that she sculpts the most symbols according to the taste of her customers.

Regarding the secrets of her entering this craft, she said that she met with her friend three years ago, who works as an architect, who trained her on this craft, noting that she strives to blend between the Jordanian and Algerian culture in her designs because her husband is a Jordanian.