Russia's MC-21 to make international debut in autumn 2018.

Russia’s MC-21 aircraft will be ready for public viewing in late 2018 - early 2019, Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov told TASS.

He added that the aircraft’s interior will also be available for viewing.

At the same time, head of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Yury Slyusar told journalists, that in Russia the plane can be shown to a wide audience for the first time in 2019.

"It (the plane with an interior - TASS) will be ready at the end of this year - the beginning of the next year and after that it will make sense to bring the plane with the interior to an exhibition," Manturov said.

Earlier it was reported that MC-21 would be first open for public viewing at the air show in China this autumn.

According to Manturov, it was decided to postpone the presentation in order not to interrupt the trials, which are currently underway.

"They made a decision (to show the plane already with the interior - TASS), taking into account the fact that the exterior of the plane has been shown already, nothing new can be shown now," he said.

He added that the MC-21 model will be shown at the air show in China (Airshow China 2018, held from November 6 to 11 - TASS).

The MC-21 aircraft is a medium-range passenger narrow-body aircraft. It is the second large-scale Russian project after Sukhoi Superjet 100. MC-21 has been developed by the Irkut Corporation and the Yakovlev Design Bureau of UAC. The MC-21 made the maiden flight in Irkutsk on May 28, 2017.

It is planned to produce two versions of the aircraft: MC-21-200 (from 132 to 165 seats) and MC-21-300 (from 163 to 211 seats). It is also planned to create a version of MC-21-400, which can accommodate up to 250 people.

At present, the MC-21-300 aircraft is being developed. The first shipments of the aircraft are planned for 2019, the start of serial production is scheduled for 2019.