Mai Al-Khalili managed to create news shapes of colored candles

Mai Al-Khalili managed to create news shapes of colored candles with aromatic perfumes to be used in different occasions. During an interview with “Arab Today”, she said she noticed that most of the available candles are manufactured and shipped from their original countries to be sold in Jordanian markets, so she came up with the idea of making candles in different shapes. She took an online course for making candles for two months, then she started applying what she had learnt by herself on the materials in an attempt to make candles harder and to make them absorb more perfumes.

Al-Khalili has a bachelor in Finance and Banking Sciences, and she works on her own project “Candle Addict” from her house using special jugs to melt candles and perfumes together, and some custom molds to make different shapes of candles to be presented as a gift for close friends and relatives.
She said people became more aware of this industry, and some reflect their own personality in the color, shape and smell of the candle they use, but some other people still believes that candles are just accessories. She wishes that every house would use candles as part of their internal décor that will add an attractive touch to the house.

Candles are used in engagement parties, weddings, birthdays, baptism events and it can be used as personal gifts. People prefer cubic candles as gifts because they can print personal photos and words on them. Al-Khalili said that, candles that are made for special occasions and blessings are new in this field and they are huge success. She is preparing candles for Ramadan with different shapes and different perfumes that reflect the rituality of this month. She also expressed her graduate for her husband, family and friend for supporting her in her project.