Susan Boyle poses inside her new home

Susan Boyle poses inside her new home London - Arabstoday   Susan Boyle barely uses her new, luxurious $600,000 home, because she feels far more comfortable in the cramped council house nearby where she grew up. And the Britain’s Got Talent star plans to give ‘The Posh House’, as she calls it, away to be enjoyed by family and friends. “I know with my status people would expect me to live in a mansion and have all the trappings that go with it, but that’s not me,” she says. “Why would I want to live in a castle? It would get draughty. I did try and sleep in this place once but I woke up and it felt wrong.” The house has 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a garage for two cars and solar panels. Also it includes a grand piano in front of patio doors overlooking an unspoilt view of the Scottish countryside. The piano was adorned with pictures of her parents, as well as her own biography.