Mustafa al-Najjar

Mustafa al-Najjar Cairo - Akram Ali     Mustafa al-Najjar, leader of the liberal Justice Party, which gained huge popularity, said that this is the first independent party to be formed after the success of the 25th January revolution and it seeks to participate in the youth-founded political life in Egypt through its youth. Al-Najjar said that his party received 5000 authorizations in a very short amount of time from the Egyptian provinces, which is a good sign for his party and its popularity, pointing out that the majority of members are youths, but that there is also a large number of pioneers as they care about ‘generational participation.’   And on how to broaden the base of the new party, Najjar said: “we rely on the dissemination of the idea of the party and its principles in the governorates of Egypt, and that is what’s important, because the people of Cairo are well aware of the idea of new parties, and get to know them through various media tools, which promote the party. As for the provinces, many may not be looking forward getting to know the party, and what its ideas are, except for through direct meetings with its members and  through public conferences. There are currently 20 thousand members after two months of its formation, and the number is continuously growing.   Regarding the non-inclusion of any members of the dissolved National Party, Najjar said: "the founding Committee agreed not to include any persons who were a member of the dissolved National Party, in order to start a new " transparent "page that has no ambiguity, and I think that this decision is right, and will help the success of the idea of the party.” As for president of the Leftist opposition party Refaat Al-Said’s declaration that justice is "obscure" looking for fame, Najjar’s response was that: "that statement came after we announced that we won’t be participating in the coordination meeting of the Democratic Alliance, which included a number of parties loyal to the former regime, so we immediately suspended our participation at the time in order not to engage with these parties again. Said said: “that statement made all of us laugh, and the party here is known and its popularity increases every day, and the liberal Justice Party is the first civil party after the Muslim Brotherhood to takes a mass number of people after the 25th January revolution.   As for the Liberal Justice Party’s supporting a specific candidate Najjar said: “up till now we have not decided on a particular candidate to support and nominate as a presidential candidate, btu we are waiting for a clearer picture and there will be an internal voting to choose a candidate we want to support.   And in regards to what is currently happening in the Tahrir square Najjar said: "I am for these demonstrations until the rest of the demands of the revolution are met, because until now we have not seen any changes in the Ministry of Interior, and it still employs some corrupt deputies following the former Interior Minister Habib al-Adly, and they act as if nothing had happened.” The party issued a statement in which it blames full responsibility on the military Council for what is happening. O his opinion on the government of Essam Sharaf he said: “his government has not achieved anything yet, and it failed so I am for its resignation if it doesn’t take some serious procedures.” Najjar demanded the end of military tribunals and the resignation of Sharaf. Najjar said that in the near future his party is going to host all presidential candidates to find out what their manifestos are, and what their personal ideas are, in order for his party to nominate the right candidate to support.