Abdul Razzaq Hammami

Abdul Razzaq Hammami Tunis - Nabil Zaghdoud The General Secretary of the National Democratic Party Abdul Razzaq Hammami confirmed that the general situation in Tunis is difficult and dangerous as there is a great fear of sliding into a \"new kind of tyranny\". In his interview with Arabstoday he asserted on \"the importance of not transforming the electoral legitimacy which the ruling Troika have gained (Ennahda-el-Takatol-and congress party) into a predominance tool against state institution, reproducing a new dictatorship, warning the ruling collation from doing such mistakes. The head of the Democratic National Party said: \"this warning is concerning Tunisian interests which need to be consistent in order to solve its problems, especially social and economic problems.\" \"Citizens who rose up two days ago in Sidi Bouzid governorate (the cradle of the Tunisian revolution) have rights which the government must give them, these demands mustn\'t be oppressed.\" He condemned what he called \"the government\'s oppressive practices which didn’t end with the former regime through fighting national demands by oppression and extreme violations of basic human rights such as free speech and the right to strike.\" On the Ennahda Islamic movement which is leading the ruling coalition in accusing the leftist parties of spreading chaos Hammami said: \"we will not leave our rights in practicing freedom in which martyrs blood was shed to achieving it. The government has to respond to Tunisians\' demands and respect their right to demonstrate as granted by the revolution. This protesting is to achieve legislative demands in justice development, freedom, employment, national dignity and the right to reject employment based on party loyalty not on efficiency.\" The General Secretary of National Democratic Party said: \"there is a fair case which is the right of all Tunisians oppressed in the tyranny period of Habib Bourguiba or in the Era of Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. Political prisoners have the right to have physical and moral rehabilitation but this right mustn\'t be transformed to an exhausting fine on the state budget.\" Political prisoner compensations is still a controversial issue in Tunisia, especially as a wide range of Tunisians refuse it due to the fear that the economical and financial situation will not stretch to pay thousands of political prisoners.