MP Marwan Hamadeh

MP Marwan Hamadeh Beirut - Riyad Shuman Former minister and member of Lebanon First bloc, MP Marwan Hamadeh, accused Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and their political allies in Lebanon of orchestrating the recent violent events in Lebanon\'s northern city, Tripoli, to spread the unrest throughout Lebanon as a way of helping the Syrian regime survive the popular uprising against it. Hamadah believes that Hezbollah and its allies, who were earlier pushed by both Syrian and Iranian regimes to create the so-called March 7 Invasion of Beirut in 2008, are now trying to create the same scenario with a legitimate touch in Tripoli. \"There is a plan afoot intending to silence every voice opposing the Syrian regime in Lebanon, so this regime would take control of the country again through allowing its allies to seize power here,\" said Hamadeh. \"Along with all our March 14 allies, we appeal for all the militias in Lebanon  to be disarmed  so that the only armed force remaining would be the Lebanese army which represents the state\" added the former minister. Hamadeh made reference to Refaat Eid, one of the main Allawite figures in Tripoli city, and supporter of the Syrian regime,  who said that the recent tension in the city \"would not be calmed unless the Syrian army returns again to Lebanon,\" adding that Eid has information about assassination lists intending to target notable politicians in the country to further deepen the current crisis. \"Those words  confirm the Syrian regime\'s plot against Tripoli and the whole of Lebanon. I think Eid has unveiled this plan in order to create panic within the Lebanese political community, as Walid Jumblatt (Chairman of the Progressive Social Party). has already warned\" said Hamadeh. The MP added: \"The Syrian regime is so disturbed that it took them 12 days following the voting process to announce the results of their meaningless parliamentary elections, so it has no option now bar transferring its own crisis to Lebanon, through creating tension and distributing  arms to  its followers within the country, in addition to their attempts at pressurising President Michel Sleiman to give up his neutral position  towards the internal conflict in Syrria.\" Hamadeh warned of the  March 8 Alliance\'s tendency to dominate power in the country, depending on Hezbollah\'s military force. \"We reiterate our call to the Lebanese army not to allow any illegitimate arms into Lebanon. As for the security agencies, we wonder if there is any truth in their frequent  reports of threats to target certain March 8 leaders? If it\'s true, why haven\'t we seen any evidence of it?\"  Hamadeh reiterated that he was concerned about the safety of March 8 leaders  just as much as he was concerned for his own party\'s safety, asking the question:  \"Where is the telecommunication data proving these threats which Telecommunication Minister Nicolas Sehnawy has announced? And what are the security agencies doing  about these threats?\" Hamadeh also hinted at a Syrian-Iranian intervention within the Lebanese security apparatus which has led to an increase in the power of  the Shiite-led General Security agency, compared to other security agencies in the country. Hamadeh also emphasised the need to restore the state\'s authority in Lebanon, adding that the March 14 Alliance \"will always defend this authority\".   \"The Lebanese will not be frightened off by threats made by the followers of the Syrian regime.\" \"The Syrian regime\'s thugs may have hurt Homs, Hama and Idlib, but if they try to use the same strategy in Lebanon, they will face an outrage on such mamoth scale that it  will lead to the end of their regime, even if we have to enter Damascus ourselves to bring it down.\" warned Hamadeh.