Amr Hamzawy

Amr Hamzawy Cairo – Akram ali     Political activist Amr Hamzawy refused the threat made by some protesters to close the Suez Canal and some other public facilities, saying that ‘this will let the Egyptian revolution’s achievements go to waste.’ In an exclusive interview with ArabsToday Hamzawi said: “the majority of the protesters and many other Egyptians refuse to close those public facilities. But this threat comes from a specific category of people under the context of a plan to damage the image of the Egyptian revolution.” Reflecting on the statement of the Military Council, that was delivered clearly by Major General Mohsen Fangari, Hamzawy said that the statement didn’t even respond to some specific and fundamental demands such as the timetable and explaining the procedures that will be taken in the coming period, he also questioned why corrupted politicians would be tried in military courts, similar to normal Egyptian people, in addition to why there is no standard rule of law that would take to court those who were involved in the killing of the demonstrators. Hamzawy has also welcomed the changes that have been made as a response to the demands made by the protesters on 8 July such as the cabinet reshuffling. But he stressed on the importance of the prosecution of corrupted people in a trial. Hamazai also called on Sharaf’s new government to reset the minimum wages, review the national budget and work to solve poverty, unemployment and public services’ problems. Hamazawy has also rejected any kind of skepticism of the general Council, and he said that he believes that the army is committed regardless to all the clashes that happen; which he believes to be normal. He said that all what they do is to transfer the exclusive and legislative authority, and doesn’t not want to continue in power. However he is a bit upset with their recent performance and he believes that they failed to achieve the rest of people’s demands. On the other hand, Hamzawy confirmed that he supports the idea of the Democratic Coalition and explained that he is only putting his membership on hold because he doesn’t agree on some points; however he hopes that this coalition will manage to have a clear vision that serves the interest of Egypt. Hamzawy is awaiting the approval from the Parties Affairs Committee in order to announce his new party, Freedom, so that he can start working on the ground.