The Foreign Minister of Hamas

The Foreign Minister of Hamas Gaza – Mohammed Habib The Foreign Minister of Hamas, Mohamed Awad, stressed today that his government refuses any route diversion to the Freedom Flotilla II, stating that it will have to go to the Gaza harbor rather than Al-Arish Harbour or any other one, given that it is the right of Palestinians to have their own independent harbour.
Awad called on Palestinians to join in with efforts for the successful arrival of the flotilla, stating that Israel preventing the flotilla from sailing to Gaza would reveal that they are lying, and would highlight the fact that they have failed to put an end to their occupation of the Gaza Strip.
“The arrival of the flotilla is in the interest of the whole nation. For this reason everyone should work towards making it a reality, including Ramallah and Gaza,” Awad added.
The Foreign Minister objected to anyone who suggested that the flotilla should be received in any harbor other than Gaza. He blamed the failure of the Flotilla to launch from Greece on American, Israeli and British pressures on Greece.
According to Awad, The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a plan set in motion which involves talking to different foreign parties including the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, and a number of foreign ministers who are involved in this issue, in order to protect the flotilla and to ensure its safe arrival. This plan was made with the knowledge that the majority of the countries concerned are under pressure from Israel, and would not respond to his requests.
The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a letter to the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs two days ago, explaining the flotilla situation, considering that Greece is a supports the Palestinians.
Awad explained that the Palestinian government in Gaza has turned to the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to use its connections to play a role in the safe arrival of the flotilla to occupied Gaza.