Mohammad Al Sudani

Mohammad Al Sudani Iraqi’s human rights minister, Mohammad Al Sudani, confirmed, that his ministry was formed after an order from the Coalition Provisional Authority, during the rule of the civil governor in Iraq, Paul Bremer . The reason was to investigate the brutal crimes committed by Saddam Hussein’s regime. Al Sudani pointed that his ministry has discovered 83 mass graves until now, and it’s expected to detect more than 200 similar cemeteries, over the coming years.
In an interview with “Arabstoday”, during the funeral that was held for
the 200 Iraqi bodies killed and buried in the city of Anbar, west of
Iraq, in the eighties of the last century.“The funeral of the 200
bodies that was held today, is the first group of 940bodies that were
discovered in a collective graveyard in the plain of Akash, about 4
months ago, while the other bodies have been reserved in the forensic
medicine department, in Baghdad, until the completion of their data
files, so that their relatives can identify them in the future.” said Al
Sudani and he added “the eyewitnesses confirmed that the history of the
graveyard goes back to the years between 1980 and 1989, and that the
victims are likely to be from provinces of central and southern Iraq.”
Al Sudani also criticized some of the organizations, the local and the
international communities, which human rights is supposed to be
their primary concern, nevertheless they care about the rights of those
involved in terrorism more than the rights of the victims. So far those
organizations showed indifference to the graveyards discovered in Iraq.
Al Sudani stressed the government body should be firm with the death
sentences on those who are convicted in such crimes, particularly the
former regime allies, and the armed groups, saying “the sentence must be
applied, to show respect for the law and fairness to the victims and
their relatives.”
Al Sudani asked to increase the number of workers in the investigation
process of the graveyard, in view of the fact that the ministry is
suffering from a lack of personnel in this area. Hence, according the current number of workers, it will take the ministry at least 20 years to finish working on this issue.
Surveillance teams are sent by the ministry, to check the demonstrations that occur in the country from time to time. Their duty is to observe any violation of human rights
(suppression of demonstrators , torture or arrest) by the security
forces. Yet nothing was detected until now.
Human rights announced on May 17th 2011, that the council of ministers has allocated five billion dinars for the
purchase of equipment and supplies, to identify the remains of the