Rawya Al Shawa

Rawya Al Shawa Gaza- Mohamed Habib     The independent representative in the Palestinian Legislative Council Rawya Al Shawa considers the constitution of Palestinian unity government by professional competencies “technocrat” and believes that leaving the political role for the Palestinian Liberation Organization will help to deal effectively with the world. She also stressed the necessity of forming the government as soon as possible, in order to start fulfilling its tasks. Al Shawa said in an exclusive interview with “Arabstoday” that “the incoming government will carry a heavy burden in many respects. Among them: reconstructing Gaza Strip and preparing for the legislative and presidential elections; reviving the regressive economic situation; establishing life interests to Palestinian people including the Pilgrimage and Umrah, the Thanawea Amma Exams as well as releasing the visas to the citizens of the strip easily and facilitating import and export activities. She added that signing the Palestinian compromise in AD Dawha is a historical opportunity for the Palestinian people and all its forces to end the hurtful division, pointing that the event occurs in a local and regional atmosphere that helps the success of the reconciliation. According to Al Shawa, the success will depend on the actual implementation of the pact\'s main points by Fatah and Hamas, in order to face the Israeli threats. Al Shawa also said: “The success of the Egyptian Revolution, the current status in Syria and the Palestinian popular movement as well as the continuation of settlements in the West Bank and the Judaization of Jerusalem prompted the two major factions on the Palestinian scene to sign the reconciliation document.” Al Shawa assured the need to take the necessary measures to re-unify the ministries, institutions and national bodies and to open the closed headquarters of reference of Fatah and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) headquarters in the Gaza Strip, and unconditionally secure the repatriation of the Fatah\'s members who left Gaza Strip after the division. Finally, the independent representative said that the reconciliation was and still is a Palestinian and national issue, which makes it a due priority for the Palestinian struggle.