Algerian journalist Hassan Khalas

Algerian journalist Hassan Khalas revealed the details of his initiative to support the Palestinian prisoners in the prisons of the Israeli occupation, saying that the Prisoner Day marked by the Algerian people this year was very special.

He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that he, as Algerian citizen, decided to present his initiative to express his solidarity with the Palestinian prisoner in coincidence with Prisoner Day celebrated annually on April 17. He stressed his support for the rights of the Palestinian prisoners who decided to launch an open hunger strike.

He added that he contacted with a large number of intellectuals and authors from his country to organize a hunger strike for 24 hours to express solidarity with the Palestinians prisoners who suffer from increasing violations inside the prisons of the Israeli occupation.

He added that the participants in the initiative are scheduled to issue a statement stressing that they will resume activities to express solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners. He added that they will organize another activity on May 8 to mark the memory of the massacres committed by the French colonialism against the Algerian people