Women serving in Armed Forces

The country will mark its first Emirati Women's Day on Friday, which this year will be in honour of women serving in the Armed Forces.

Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, chairwoman of the General Women's Union, supreme chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation and president of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, announced the event would be marked on August 28 each year to recognise the achievement of women.

It also commemorates the date on which the GWU was founded in 1975.

Sheikha Fatima said many Emirati women have reached senior ranks within the Armed Forces, especially in the Air Force combat units. The call also comes as a celebration of the silver jubilee of Khawla bint Al Azwar Military School, the female military camp for those in the national service.

Sheikha Fatima noted that many women have enrolled in the Armed Forces, which reflected their loyalty towards the security of the country.
Source: The National