Yemeni girls

Statistical sources estimated that the number of unwedded Yemeni girls is about 2.5 million, half a million of which are over 30 years old. Due to the situation in Yemen, there were no official reports about any comprehensive survey on Yemeni families, however, the available preliminary indicators confirm the increase of the number of unwedded girls to about 2.5 million.

The 2009 report had shown that the number of unwedded girls amounted to 2 million. According to the 2016 report, Yemen ranked nine in the Arab region with a 30 percent ratio of unwedded girls. This social phenomenon is exacerbating in Yemen.

Studies show that the category of educated activist woman and those who are involved in the social life are less likely to get married because men do not like to marry a girl who has higher education level then them. The study also pointed that men tend to delay their marriage due to their economic situation or family traditions and other reasons related to their personal state of mind.

Al Arabiya interviewed two college students. The first wanted to be mentioned as “Zekra”; she said that she is 30 years and no suitable man has yet proposed to her, explaining that they usually prefer younger girls who are inexperienced in life, so that they obey them without objecting on anything. As for Lamia Ali who is a 40-year-old teacher, she says that she is convinced that it is too late for her to get married.

Social researcher Suleiman Abdullah confirmed that this phenomenon has increased after the Houthi revolution that led to the deterioration of the economic and living conditions. He added that tribal traditions are also hindering the marriage of girls because their parents prefer to marry her to relatives and same tribe members. He added that the exaggeration in expensive ceremonies and celebrations will surely negatively affect this crisis. It is worth mentioning that 38 organization and charity associations are trying to work on this issue.

Source :Al Arabiya