Tunisian actress Nadia Posta

Tunisian actress Nadia Posta Tunis - Nabil Zaghdoud Tunisian actress Nadia Posta posed semi-nude on the cover of Tunivision magazine, drawing varying reactions from fans and critics alike.The picture showed parts of her breasts and waist as she wore a jacket without a bra. A fan posted on the star's official Facebook page saying: “Really,  there is a difference between those women revisiting the bullets of oppression and discrimination by baring their chests, and this woman exposes her breasts to a photographer for some money not considering traditions that may be against it." Similar reactions appeared in the comments that refocussed the picture's message to an ethical stnadpoint rather than its aesthetics as earlier intended, by a society that is just recovering from a revolution. Posta faces a multitude of accusations including distorting the image of Tunisian women and trying to reflect that the women in Tunisia have no ethics or morals. Conversely, others regarded the picture as a sign of freedom of expression.