Nabila Mounib

Nabila Mounib  Casablanca - Yousra Mostafa The general secretary of the Tunisian Socialist Party (Al Eshtraky Al Wahdawy) Nabila Mounib stated: "We are betting on young men today, who carry the transformation slogan within the surrounding political corruption in Morocco and failure of educational and economic policies, controlling Moroccan future." This came during her interview about the recent political situation seeking changes, in a meeting organized by the democratic popular movement (El Haraka Al Shabya Al Dimocratya) in Massa Sidi Wassay Ashkouta region. In her meeting Mounib said: "We are struggling today for emerging the democratic mainstream in Tunisia," adding that "Moroccans need a cultural revolution that conceptualise democratic culture, citizenship, freedom, and equality, which can guarantee dignity and democracy in the society with specific standards." She called for unifying the leftist mainstream through determining the strategic point of view of the democratic struggling seeking changing, through simplifying its speech in order to face the radicalism mainstreams. She described the recent arresting and suppression for peaceful protesting movements as the policy of taking revenge from the Moroccans over expectations, and against all people who are demanding there simplest rights within the failure of the failure improvisational policies, which threats Moroccan social peace. The Moroccan politician during her conversation which extended more than two hours mentioned the major advantages in Morocco, which has been affected by several world crises, and people's future challenges, including signs of Moroccan policy failure, and other parties situation from February 10 Movement considering the role of her party is represented in supporting Moroccan political movement since there first emergence.