MP Heba Hagras

A recent survey revealed that about 2.5 million Egyptians are currently living below the poverty line, according to Egypt’s Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). This figure has serious indications which require immediate response from Egyptian authorities, particularly the Egyptian Parliament, which is responsible for legislation and observation of the government.
MP Heba Hagras, member of the social solidarity parliamentary committee, expressed her concerns over this large figure. She refused to cast doubt over the poverty statistics, although the number of poor people in Egypt seems to be more than 2.5 million, in light of successive economic crises.
In an interview with Egypt Today, Hagras blamed the overpopulation, especially among low-income class, for the high poverty rate among Egyptians.
She added that the Egyptian economic policies could not cope with the fast increase in population, leading to high unemployment rate and consequently increased poverty rate.
Hagras called for the government to present quick solutions and ensure providing subsidy to those who deserve it, and then consider solutions to the overpopulation.
In regard with long-term solutions, Hagras said that the Parliament should present legislation to face overpopulation growth, and focuses on raising awareness, as well as encouraging small and micro enterprises.
The social solidarity parliamentary committee is responsibility for observing the government with respect to increasing rate of poverty and ways to face it.