Aisha Gaddafi

Aisha Gaddafi The daughter of slain Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi called on the Libyan people to avenge the death of her father, describing him as a “martyr”. Aisha Gaddafi, who lives in Algeria , said in a message broadcasted on Syria\'s Al-Rai channel, in the traditional 40-day mourning period after her father’s death in hometown Sirte: “Gaddafi has not left, he is always among us.”
She added: “Gaddafi, who was a fighter, a hero and a martyr, did not leave or let you down. He fulfilled his promises, and gave his homeland his sons as martyrs, such as Al-Motassim, Khames, and Seif Al-Islam...he also gave his soul to his homeland, and defended his country and his people. Take revenge for your martyrs, and overthrow this’s a NATO-made farce. Take revenge before the day you\'ll regret it as Shiites regretted Al-Hussein.”  
\"Don\'t forget the orders of your father urging you to continue fighting, even if you no longer hear his voice,” she continued.
Syria\'s Al-Rai, a pro-Gaddafi channel, broaddcast the audio message announced by a TV anchor, though Aisha didn’t appear as was expected.
The channel which is owned by the Iraqi opposition, Mishaan Jubouri, had earlier stated its intention to broadcast Aisha’s message in the traditional 40-day mourning period after her father’s death.
Aisha, her mother and two of her brothers took refuge in neighbouring Algeria, as the Libyan capital of Tripoli fell to rebel forces in August.  The Algerian government has refused the National Transitional Council (NTC) of Libya\'s request to deliver them in order to try them for their crimes against the Libyan people.
It is expected that the message will irritate Algerian officials, who have warned Aisha not to issue public statements or she could be expelled.