The cases of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Habib Al-Adly, the former Minister of the Interior, and a number of his aides accused of killing demonstrators, have raised a number of troubling questions among the Egyptian public. Most notably, the majority of Egyptians, especially the families of martyrs, are asking "Will Mubarak enter the dock and be brought before a judge in court." The official rumours surrounding the judges and the Minister of Justice claim that Mubarak will be in a court complex at Sham El-Sheikh, yet the Egyptian public believes that Mubarak will not enter court, but will be tried in hospital, as they have argued that his health does would not permit otherwise, after rumours that he suffered a clinical death. Mohammad Abdul Aziz Al-Jundi, the Minister of Justice, has stated that the President of the Criminal Court of North Cairo, Consultant Ahmed Fahmy, is the only person who can determine the location of the trial of the former President Hosni Mubarak. He also said in a press statement that if Mubarak's health allows him to be transferred to Cairo, then will be tried on Fifth Avenue. Abdul Aziz said that if Mubarak's state of health did not allow him to be moved, then the trial would take place on the 3rd of August in Sharm El-Sheikh, South Sinai, with Major General Habib Al-Adly, and his six aides. A senior judicial source who requested anonymity said that the committee formed by the Minister of Justice, and headed by Judge Mohammad Mania, Assistant Attorney General for the courts, has agreed on his choice of the location where the trial of Mubarak and his two sons Gamal and Alaa, as well as Adli and his aides, will take place. However, the Judicial Committee has yet to disclose the location, and will inspect, select, and sign for it within days of the trial for security reasons. This judicial source claims that iron dock large enough for the defendants accused of killing demonstrators, who number more than ten, will be set up on site. On the other hand a security source in South Sinai said that everything had been completed and that all the equipment for the trial of former President Hosni Mubarak was in the Sharm El-Sheikh complex behind Sharm El-Sheikh International Hospital, which the source claimed to be the best and most secure place to try Mubarak. The same source noted that the trial will not be filmed in public in order to preserve Egypt's national security secrets that could be revealed by defendants during the trial, especially under pressure or stress. There is a possibility that may reveal information that affects people or relationships with other countries, which would represent a threat to the security of the homeland. The final preparations for Mubarak’s trial will be secured by the participation of the Special Forces and the police. Stability has still not been achieved in Egypt, and it is not known whether Mubarak will be transported in an armoured military vehicle, or an equipped ambulance. Assistant Director of Criminal Investigations to public security Shafiq indicated that the Ministry of the Interior is able to secure the transfer of Mubarak with his two sons and Al-Adly and his collaborators. Shafiq pointed out that the securing of courtrooms will be coordinated by the Supreme Council of the armed forces. He added that public trials would be broadcast live so that the Egyptian people could learn the facts, and the truth from their original source, in order to gain their trust. The President of the Court of in the South Sinai, Sameh Baslie, has continued with the process of completing the judicial complex after a meeting at the Ministry of Justice in Cairo. The furnishings in the compound will be outfitted to hold Mubarak's trial on the 3rd of August. There are rumours among the majority of Egyptian people that Mubarak will not go to court, and that he will instead be tried in the hospital at Sharm El-Sheikh, on the pretext of his poor state of health, given that he has been in a coma more than once. However, the Ministry of Justice has responded to these rumours by saying that Mubarak and his two sons will appear in the dock next to Adly and his officers.