Nigeria\'s top police chiefs will meet in the nation\'s capital on Tuesday over a deadly blast that killed at least two people, including the alleged suicide bomber, a spokesman said Monday. \"The Inspector-General of Police, Hafiz Abubakar Ringim, has called for a crucial meeting with all the commissioners of police from the 36 states and the federal capital territory, Abuja over the incident,\" Olusola Amore told AFP. He said that police authorities would make public the outcome of the investigation into Thursday\'s bombing at the forces\' national headquarters in Abuja that left a policeman and the suspected bomber dead. Local media said up to eight people were killed in the blast at the police car park that also wounded several other people and damaged many vehicles. Amore said no arrest had been made. The attack was claimed by the radical Islamist Boko Haram sect which has been blamed for series of deadly attacks particularly in the north of the country in recent months. The sect said Ringim was the target of the attack as he had made an offensive statement about the group. Boko Haram, whose name means \"Western education is sin\", launched an uprising in 2009 which was put down by a brutal military assault that left hundreds dead.