A major Palestinian media company has promised the Yasser Arafat lookalike, Salim Smairat, a part to play the late Palestinian National Authority President, Smairat told Arabstoday. “An executive from a Palestinian media firm spoke to me and told me I could play the role of the Palestinian in a film about his life; but I haven’t formally been approached about it yet,” the Palestinian man from the town of Yatta said, adding “all the promises I have received are from outstanding figures in Palestinian society.” When one sees the Arafat lookalike, one has to pause to scrutinise in detail the remarkable resemblance. The Palestinian keffiyeh worn by Smairat in a distinctive style catches the eye, giving one the illusion that it is indeed the Palestinian President Yasser Arafat wearing that keffiyeh and the military uniform. Salem Smairat, who hails from the Khalil town of Yatta, sells olives and herbs at the backdoor of the central market in Ramallah. He is hard of hearing and cannot afford treatment. Smairat also does an impression of several Arafat mannerisms as well as his trademark victory sign, guaranteed to stun his audience. He also emulates the late Palestinian leader’s voice; he has memorised a number of Arafat’s famous sayings and repeats them in press interviews and to his fans. At his place in the market, Smairat is surrounding by many salesmen and – women who have become accustomed to the resemblance and address him as “Abu Ammar” in reference to the late Palestinian leader’s nickname. Shoppers frequently ask to have their photographs taken with him, and he never turns them down, smiling at everyone. He flashes the victory sign in every photo. The late President Yasser Arafat’s died on November 11 2004 under mysterious circumstances which remain subject to investigation.