You don't have to starve yourself to look good. All you need is to eat the right foods. Here's a beauty dietplan carefully put together by our expert to help you look fabulous always. Eyes - Green vegetables : Spinach, zucchini, broccoli and brussels sprouts contain a caroteinoid called lutein and a pigment called zeaxanthinan. Both defend your cells from free radicals and help keep your eyes lustrous. Avoid overcooking for best benefits. Steam or saute, instead. - Orange and other vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and fibre work against under-eye puffiness. Skin - Probiotic yoghurt : It contains good bacteria that help your skin look healthy. Eczema sufferers can benefit a great deal from a daily intake. - Fish : Oily fish such as sardines and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids that reduce skin inflammation and keep it moisturised. They also promote elasticity, keeping wrinkles at bay. - Berries : Strawberries, blueberries, etc., contain antioxidant phytonutrients that get rid of free radicals in the blood and guard your collagen, thereby boosting skin repair. Collagen makes your skin supple, smooth and plump. Nails - Have chicken, turkey, pork , milk, cheese, yeast, peanuts, beans, wholegrain cereals to avoid brittle nails. Pumpkin seeds are one of the most concentrated non-meat sources of zinc. But many vegetarian foods also contain phytic acid that binds with zinc, making it unavailable to the body. Hence, take a Vitamin C supplement. It will make zinc more available. Hair - Poultry : Lean meats like chicken and turkey provide high quality proteins, essential for growth, repair and maintenance. Low-fat milk products such as skimmed milk, yogurt and cottage cheese are great sources too. If you like eggsand don't suffer from high cholesterol, have one yolk a day. It contains Vitamin B-12 which promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss. - Salmon : It contains omega-3 fatty acids, B12 and iron. - Flaxseeds : What salmon does for non-vegetarians, flax seed does for vegans. - Oysters : Try oysters for faster hair growth. They contain zinc. - Whole wheat and brown rice : Make sure you include whole wheat, brown rice and fortified cereals in your everyday diet.