If you have been wondering why you are plagued with cavities even though you floss, brush and visit the dentist regularly, here are a few tips from our experts that will help you put that perfect toothpaste advertisement smile back on your face. Add fibre to it Your teeth don't just need to be brushed to get food off it, they also need the right kind of diet. Dentist Dr Sanjay Ramani. "Teeth problems are a result of a modern refined diet." Refined carbohydrates are bad for the teeth. Refined carbs are sticky and sneak into between the groves in your teeth. "If people don't brush at night it remains stuck till the next morning. Bacteria thrive on this and produce high acid levels that can eat away at the enamel," he says. Eat more fibrous foods because they do not leave a sticky residue. Raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and whole wheat items are advised. Eat more calcium "The average adult should get a minimum of 500 milligrams of calcium per day to ensure healthy, strong teeth," says Dr Karishma Jaradi, cosmetic dentist, Dentzz Dental Care. Grab in calcium rich foods such as celery and carrot snacks with hummus or avocado dip, cheese, plain yoghurt, fresh fruit and nuts. Don't crash diet While dieting might help you lose unwanted pounds, crash diets are detrimental to your molars. When you are on a diet there is less salivation in the mouth. "Saliva has antibacterial properties so the more you create the more you suppress the bacterial growth," says Jaradi. You can increase salivation naturally by chewing any sugarless gum. Be careful with citrus fruits and drinks All citrus fruits and drinks have ascorbic acid. While the Vitamin C they contain is great for the body, its acidic content is known to erode the enamel. Ramani suggests you drink citrus juices with the help of a straw as it helps the juice bypass your teeth. After eating a citrus fruit, do no rinse for at least 30 minutes. This gives time for the saliva in your mouth to cleanse the acid. Rinsing immediately will cause teeth erosion. "Lot of people wrongly believe that using lime juice can whiten your teeth," says Ramani. "However, it can have disastrous effects on your teeth. You should visit a dentist to get your teeth sparkling again."