If your blood pressure is creeping up or has reached \"uh-oh\" levels, try these drug-free ways to bring it down. 1. Soak in a bath Add 2 cups of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) to the tub, and your blood vessels will relax, too, as you absorb the mineral through your skin. 2. Carry a load Strength training using free weights, machines, or resistance bands can lower BP a few points. Try twice a week, at a level where you can manage 3 sets of 10 reps. 3. Tighten your grip Squeezing a handgrip or ball (four 2-minute holds, a minute\'s rest in between) 3 times a week has been shown to lower BP 13 systolic (upper number) and 8 diastolic points. (If pressure is high, ask an M.D. first.) 4. Unroll your mat Strike some yoga poses two or three times a week, and you may strike a few points from your BP. In a new University of Pennsylvania study, the average systolic BP moved from 133 to 130. That\'s still considered prehypertension, so combine yoga with other strategies. 5. Push potassium The mineral relaxes blood vessels, lowering BP and countering the constricting action of sodium. Ideal is 4,700 mg/day, but just 750 to 1,000 mg above your usual intake can lower BP 2 to 3 points. That\'s 2 bananas or 1 potato or 1 cup of cooked spinach. 6. Get cultured In the Framingham Heart Study, those who ate more than 2% of their calories in the form of yogurt (more than, say, 6 ounces every 3 days) were 31% less likely to develop high BP than those who ate less or none. Other dairy may also help. 7. Try juicing In one study, a daily cup of beet juice lowered systolic BP 10 points in people with mild hypertension. Not your cup of juice? Load up on leafy greens and other root vegetables. 8. Fill your fridge Cardiologists recommend the DASH diet as key to all-natural approaches to better BP. The basics: loads of fruit, veggies, and whole grains, along with protein, nonfat or low-fat dairy, and cutbacks in fats, salt, and sugar. 9. Pick meditation over Modern Family You may feel relaxed watching your favorite sitcom, but BP levels actually rise with the number of hours spent in front of the TV. Try meditation instead; it lowers BP more than muscle-relaxation techniques. 10. Scale back Losing weight lifts spirits and can make the difference between controlling BP on your own and needing drugs. In fact, losing just 9 pounds can lower systolic pressure 4.5 points, a review found. 11. Raise your pulse A day with a walk, jog, or other aerobic challenge is a day with lower BP. That goes for everybody, but is most important for those with rising numbers. Aim for 30 minutes or more of pulse- and respiration-raising exercise most days. 12. Wait to inhale Breathing slowly can lower BP. Need a coach? Resperate trains you to breathe 5 to 10 times a minute. When used for 15 minutes daily, the device lowers BP about 4 points more than other relaxing input (like soothing music), research shows.