Stomach aches are a very common problem among individuals of all ages, whether male or female. And since it's the monsoon eating outside food frequently gives one stomach aches. General physician, Dr Ganesh Gadkari says, "When the body's digestive system is unable to digest the food, thus the digestive process remains incomplete and a stomach ache occurs." He says that though it's not a grave ailment, it can sure cause one discomfort and so he recommends natural remedies to seek relief from stomach aches than popping pills. Here are some remedies one can easily try at home recommended by Dr Gadkari: - If there's stomach ache resulting due to acidity, have a glass of soda water. - An energetic drink that also works wonders for a stomach ache is squeezing half a lime in a glass of water and adding a tablespoon of honey to it. - A yummy and healthy snack option is eating some pomegranate seeds to which a pinch of salt and pepper has been added. - One way to seek quick relief is to prepare a mixture of mint, ginger and lime juice, along with a pinch of black salt. Add to a glass of water, stir well and drink. - Here's a grandmom's traditional solution: Eat a small bowl of curds to which a teaspoon of ground fenugreek or methi seeds. This also helps to clear the digestive tract. - Chewing aniseeds too can give relief from stomach aches. For best results, soak a few teaspoons of aniseeds in a glass of water, overnight. Next morning eat the soaked aniseeds and drink this water.