Vidya Balan, who gained 12 kilos for The Dirty Picture, tells us how she piled on and how she intends to lose the excess flab Director Milan Luthria and producer Ekta Kapoor had asked her to put on some extra weight. Sounding skeptical about adding on the kilos, The Dirty Picture star Vidya Balan had then said, "For the first time in my career, my director (Luthria) and producer (Kapoor) told me to put on weight. But I don't want to. With an Indian face and an Indian body structure, I will manage it. If I increase it for this film, then I will also have to reduce it afterwards." But soon enough, the actress known for her capacity to get into the skin of every character she portrays, had made peace with herself and gained 12 kilos to become Silk. This, under the guidance of director Milan Luthria and dietician Pooja Makhija. Now, however, is the time to reverse the process. And an undaunted Vidya is looking forward to the tiring process of shedding the extra kilos. With The Dirty Picture playing in theatres for over a week now and going strong with collections of over Rs 44 crore in just five days, Vidya who has already started working out, is all set to lose the remaining 10 kilos. "I know it's a long way to go, but I have my dietician Pooja Makhija and trainer Vilayat Hussain with me. They know their job very well. I guess the few kilos which I have already lost is thanks to the promotional campaign of the film which required me to travel to several places," revealed Vidya. Explaining her new exercise regimen, Vidya said, "Well, I am going to take to calisthenics." And of course, she will soon be hitting the gym with a vengeance too. "And importantly, I shall be sleeping eight-nine hours every day until I start on a new film again. Getting back the right amount of sleep will also help me lose weight. But come on yaar, weight is not a baggage. I shall go back to my original size for sure. For after all, I need my original fitness levels back na?" added the actress. Trainer talks (Vilayat on Vidya's weight loss) Vidya has not given me a target so far. She has simply said that she wants to resume training next week. She didn't train with me during the making of The Dirty Picture. She didn't want to get distracted. She hasn't trained even after the film released. She will be doing calisthenics, a free hand training without weights. Vidya never diets. She just works out really hard.