Headaches are one of the most common complaints, with 70 million people suffering from chronic ones. But when pain strikes, you are not always able to take a pill or turn down the lights. There is an easier and more natural way to get relief such as food. Here are revealed the most common headaches and the foods that help prevent and even treat them. Migraines With the power to stop you in your actions, migraines often hurt on one side of the head and can also make you sensitive to light or feel nauseated. Research has shown that vitamin B2 or riboflavin helps to reduce the incidence of migraines by up to 48%. Riboflavin improves energy metabolism of your brain and its muscle cells, protecting and helping them maintain energy. Seek for about 401 mg a day in foods like quinoa, crimini mushrooms, asparagus and even a glass of low fat milk, which is about 32% of the recommended daily allowance. Hormonal Hormonal headaches are usually on one side of your head just like migraines. Estrogen is thought to be the main reason why females have more migraines than males that is why women seem to have headaches during or right before the periods of dropping estrogen levels. Magnesium is very helpful if you are prone to monthly headaches, and after getting overexcited calming nerves. Try getting 455 mg of magnesium a day from foods like Swiss chard and spinach, which give you almost 42% of your daily need. Other good sources are bananas, sweet potatoes, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds. Tension If you ever feel like a tight band is squeezing your head, it is probably a stress related headache from the muscles in your neck and behind your temples tensing. CoenzymeQ10 is a main source of energy production in your body and is important for healthy blood vessels. As a powerful antioxidant, it supports your mitochondria, which are sometimes involved in head pain. It also can protect your body from free radicals induced by stress as well as your cells. Aim for 101 mg 3 times a day. You can choose eggs, tuna or mackerel, cauliflower and broccoli, or for an extra boost take some supplement. Cold or flu When you are sick, your body loses essential salts and water, making it easy to become dehydrated. Dehydration is one of the main triggers for headaches. Have one to two servings of water rich fruit like grapefruit, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries and pineapples with at least one meal per day. And what is most important, stay hydrated. Herbal tea eases headaches For centuries ligusticum has been a traditional Chinese remedy for agonizing migraines. The usual dosage is 350 to 499 mg daily, or it can be taken as tea, two or three cups a day. You can find ligusticum online, in food stores and at the acupuncturists’ offices or Chinese herbalists. A natural anti inflammatory-ginger has been used for thousands of years by the Chinese to cure pain. To make ginger tea, you should cut up the root, boil it for ten minutes, then strain the water and drink as tea; or, use bags of ginger tea available in health food stores. Plum, mint and green tea help release tension. Boil five dried plums, one tbsp of green tea and two tbsp of mint in four cups of water for 10 minutes. Drink three cups a day until the headache reliefs.