You don’t need us to tell you it’s flu season. With flu season starting earlier than usual this year, you probably have family or friends (if not yourself!) who have already come down with the virus. If you’re lucky enough not to have called in a sick day, keep doing these ten things and you should make it to April without investing too many boxes of Kleenex. 1. Get your flu shot. Most doctors say it’s not too late to get your flu shot, so check your local drug store (many are still giving free flu shots) or your family doctor for the vaccination. 2. Wash your hands frequently. You don’t think about it, but everything from keyboards to door handles and phones are germ-city. Consider taking a break every hour or two to wash your hands – - even if you didn’t just use the restroom. 3. Stay hydrated. In these cold months, the air is drier, leaving your body thirsty for moisture, which could hinder your immune system. Refill your water bottle as often as you wash your hands to be sure you’re staying hydrated. 4. Don’t share your food. Next time you go out to eat with a friend, it may be common practice to try each other’s drinks or food, but try to refrain. Shared cups and utensils are any easy to pass the virus. 5. Get some exercise. We know it’s cold and you’re less apt to hit the pavement this time of year, but exercising will help boost your immune system. 6. Take your Vitamin C. Whether you drink orange juice, eat oranges or take a Vitamin C pill, make sure you’re getting a good dose of the vitamin. Other foods rich in Vitamin C are strawberries, dark leafy greens, broccoli and bell peppers. 7. Keep a clean home. If you need a reason to start your spring cleaning a little early, consider your health. In a clean home germs will be less likely to spread and settle, and you’ll be more likely to avoid getting sick. 8. Go to bed early. While you sleep, your body repairs itself, so if you’re staying up late consider turning in early. If not, you’re doing more harm than you realize. 9. Avoid alcohol. Not only does alcohol suppress your immune system from helping you avoid the flu, but it also hinders your ability to fight off the virus if you get it. 10. Eat some garlic. Adding some garlic to your meals can help ward off viruses like the flu because the allicin in it, which can block enzymes that play a role in bacterial and viral infections.